Interested in becoming a member or volunteering? We are always looking for
individuals to assist with our restoration and/or fundraising activities and events.
We offer two types of membership: $10.00 Annual Membership or $100 Lifetime Membership
As an annual member, you will receive:
• Membership Card
• Newsletter containing news and information
about our restoration efforts.
• Invitation to the annual meeting and dinner.
• Free access to the La Crosse Short Line Display
during fund raising events.
As a lifetime member, you will receive:
• All the benefits of the annual membership
• An Engineers Cap
• Lifetime Membership Pin
• Lifetime Membership Card
**Lifetime membership can also be attained by
maintaining your annual membership for ten years.**
Send completed membership form to:
The 4000 Foundation LTD
P.O. Box 3411
La Crosse, WI 54602
The 4000 Foundation LTD is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Due to the civic nature of our activities, the IRS has declared that your donations
and membership dues, whether annual or lifetime, are fully deductible.
We will contact you shortly with more information on how you can help preserve a piece of La Crosse Railroad History!
© 4000 Foundation, LTD. 2024.